Tuesday 6 August 2013

Always have your camera at the ready!

Well, that will teach me to leave my camera at home.

On this mornings walk with the dog, I encountered a heron flying off from where I had disturbed it by the river. A couple of minutes later I see a kingfisher whizzing by at speed, following the course of the river - so I guess its highly unlikely I would have caught that little fella on camera anyway.

So I return home, happy that I have seen these lovely birds, though a bit miffed at having no evidence!

Just taken Ella for a quick lunchtime stroll on our local grassy area, which my husband and I call 'the heath'. Yep, forgot my camera and then spotted a number of different butterflies enjoying the thistles which grow in abundance here. Peacock, Common Blue, Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Green Veined White, plus a few more I wasnt able to identify.

Next time I shall be prepared!