Sunday, 19 May 2013

The War On Slugs And Snails

I am sure our garden is home to all the slugs and snails in our town. I guess we have a large selection of  'restaurants', the Echinacea and Clematis being particular favourites.

Have planted out chard, peas and beans in the veg garden which will give the little thugs so much choice they won't know what to munch first!  Our vegetable garden was decimated last year, there were so many pesky molluscs enjoying the very wet summer, and my veg!

So, what to do? Husband decided he was going to electricute the pests (the construction of this still in progress), using copper wire and a car battery. I was concerned that it might shock the cats but its such a low voltage and it won't even fry the slugs, just tell them to go munch elsewhere. He has also purchased a solar panel for alternative power. Will have to wait for its completion before we know if it works, fingers crossed.

In the meantime, we purchased a tub of Slug Gone, wool pellets. I havent used this before so though lets give it a go (it was on special offer, the original price would have put me off!). The pellets are placed around the plant and after some rain they form a felt mat. The slugs do not like to travel over this as it dries them out. It works!

Protecting Squash

 Its not cheap though, so am thinking I wonder it it would work with old wool jumpers cut into rings?

There are plenty of other barriers, another is copper. You can buy copper rings which I guess would be more appropriate for your prized Dahlias as they are expensive. I use a copper adhesive tape which I stick round old plastic pots that I've cut the bottom off. I then place them over young plants and push them firmly into the soil. This works well.

Other methods can be used to kill slugs but am not a fan of killing! Beer traps work well but they will trap beneficial beetles that eat slugs, so I dont really see the point. They will also attract wasps, which I get more scared of as I get older!! There are poisons, but I wouldn't go near them - some will harm other creatures and they are not all that effective anyway.

The choice is yours.

Check out this site for more detailed info, it is very useful

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