What a gorgeous, sunny bank holiday we had yesterday! We actually had some free time so made the most of it with a walk in one of our favourite places followed by lunch in Chagford, http://www.thenewforge.co.uk , great food!
Wellies are usually a must in this particular area of Dartmoor, but due to this prolonged spell of dry we could have worn flip flops!
Managed to get a pic of a Peacock butterfly, the first on I have seen this year.
Spotted a few wild flowers on our jaunt through the woods
Lousewort (Pedicularis sylvatica), quite common in bogs and damp heathland. Once believed to give lice and liverworms to cattle!
Gorse (Ulex Europaeus) common throughout Britain. The flowers can be made into a cordial or wine. It has a gorgeous smell like coconut.
Common Dog Violet (Viola reviniana) one of my favourites, very common across Britain.
Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) also known as Cuckoo Flower, grows in damp areas, very pretty, soft pink.
Water Crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis) usually found floating on water in
ponds, streams and ditched, though this particular one is surviving in
barely damp ground. This plant is poisonous.
Saxifrage (Chrysoplenium oppositifolium) a ground hugging plant with
bright yellow green flowers that lighten the woodland floor
There are lots more that I will show you as and when the flowers appear.
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