Thursday 20 November 2014

Some Autumn pics

As ever, am finding I haven't enough time to get on and do everything I need to do. To keep you tuning in, heres a few Autumn pics from last few years. Some were taken at the Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire, well worth a visit and there will still be plenty of colour to see.

Here in this part of Devon, beech is the predominant species of tree and hedge, they have a beautiful golden colour right now and really shine when the sun shows its face. Travelling to work is a joy, driving through golden beech tunnels, shame I can't take any pics!


  1. Colourful indeed Lou. Funny enough a friend was showing me some pics of a trip to Boston during the Fall. Very nice. But these pics prove that the old England is just as splendid at this time of year as the New England.

  2. I've been to Boston 3 times but always in the depths of Winter, even the river was frozen! Would love to see New England in the Fall, but as you say, no need. Well, that saves a few quid. I wonder what Barcelona is like this time of year...ooh hang on, I'll find out in 2 weeks!! Gaudi here I come :)
