Friday 11 October 2013


I have always been fascinated by clouds and have taken so many pictures of them over the years, yet  am still unable to remember what the different shapes are called. This blog is a great opportunity to solve this problem, my own guide to clouds.....

High Level Clouds

Cirrocumulus cloud, often referred to as a mackerel sky, due to the resemblance to fish scales

Cirrus clouds, also called mares tails, they are made of ice and suggest fair weather.

There are also Cirrostratus clouds in this group but haven't yet found a pic!

Medium Level Clouds

Altostratus, made up of water droplets and ice crystals, a typical English sky! Castle Drogo is on the right, all wrapped up while the roof is being fixed.

Altocumulus have shading to the side away from the sun which helps tell the difference between them and Cirrocumulus clouds.

Nimbostratus, well I think so anyway, its all about rain with Nimbos, and it certainly looks like it here!

Low Level Clouds

Stratus, the lowest clouds, all foggy and drizzly

Cumulonimbus,  usually the bearer of heavy rain and thunder

Cumulus clouds, often spotted during fair weather. If they become larger they may form rain.

Sometimes you see some other, more unusual clouds, I spotted these lenticular clouds a couple of days ago, not something I've seen very often. They have been mistaken for UFOs before!

Well, thats a very unscientific guide, if I am wrong about any of these let me know! Will create a page for more cloud pics when I get round to it.

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