Sunday, 16 June 2013

Look what the cat brought in!

I have lost count of how many times Elsie, our black cat, has brought me a slow worm. I usually catch her before she does much damage. There are lots of these creatures in and around our garden, which is great as they eat mainly slugs and snails. Well theres plenty of molluscs here so tuck in!

Slow worms (Anguis fragilis - fragile snake) are actually legless lizards and not snakes as many people think. They have the ability to shed their tails if caught. The tail then wriggles around a lot to distract the predator so hopefully the slow worm escapes. It will then grow a new tail.These small creatures have been know to live past 50 years old! Amazing. That is unless they bump into Elsie!


'What? Me? No, wouldn't hurt a fly'...hmmmm!

 For more info on slow worms, have a look at this link


  1. Can you bring one up to us next time you're here, we're overrun with slugs and snails !

  2. If only the cats ate slugs!

  3. I'd say that is quite ugly. Keep it in Devon, please.

  4. ........of course I mean the thing in your hand. The hand you used to pick it up! Oh yuk. :)

  5. I thought you meant the cat! I rather like slow worms, not very cuddly though
