Friday, 30 January 2015

Facebook fun

I was nominated by a friend to post 3 of my landscape pics, one each day and nominate 3 friends each day to do the same and its become very popular!

It gives me a reason to go through my (many) old pics to find my favourites. What a fab idea. I found loads that I was very pleased with and was actually quite hard, yet fun to do. So why not show you guys some of my faves, see what you think.. heres what I posted...

Misty morn on Lake Windermere, Cumbria

North Dartmoor

On the moor at Sourton

Thought I should try and post one every month, though I have so many it may become more regular!Its also great to see what other people are posting, have seen some gorgeous photos :)

Monday, 19 January 2015

A change of scene

I love living next to Dartmoor, it really is a beautiful part of the UK and I don't expect to move .....but if I did, I would move to the Lake District. Did you see the stunning film that was on BBC4 about Scarfell Pike? Wow!! I nearly packed my bags there and then! If you can't watch it online, theres a dvd. Go on, treat yourself!

Heres a link toTerry Abrahams blog, who filmed this stunning documentary

Meanwhile, back in Devon, a couple of chaps created a timelapse film of Dartmoor

Maybe I should find some footage of our other fabulous National Parks? When I have more time.

There is snow on the high ground, hasn't arrived here though we had a hard frost overnight so everything is all sparkley in the morning sunshine. Hopefully it will defrost enough for me to have a go at my own garden, which is looking rather negected at the moment. I have been promised a team of men to put up the fencing and lay down turf before the busy Spring arrives. Am already doubtful this will happen as we are busy now!

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Happy New Year people, hope you all had a lovely festive time.

I was walking my dog in Simmons Park, Okehampton, the other day, looking for signs of growth - no, its not too early - some of my bulbs have been in leaf since before Xmas, mainly grape hyacinths and species tulips. This happens most years, not sure if its just down here in the South West or other people are finding this. They won't flower til they are supposed to in Spring though.

So, back to the park... Hellebores are starting to show (the oriental ones) and I spotted an Exochorda x macrantha in bud!! Not supposed to be flowering until April!

These are beautiful shrubs but unfortunately too big for my garden. Something I didn't know (or have forgotton!) is that this plant is also known as the Pearl Bush because of its pearl like buds. Well, you learn something every day! Heres a pic (not mine) of one in flower.....

Pretty! Will tolerate most gardens except a lot of lime and needs shelter from early Spring frost.

I have also spotted new shoots on my Clematis viticella Polish Spirit. Always eager to get growing, this is definitely my favourite Clematis....

 Will keep an eye out for more new growth, Spring will be here before you know it!!