Saturday, 27 September 2014

Time for a break

Well, we are off to Cornwall for a holiday, which I haven't yet packed for...
better get on with it then!!

The weather has turned a bit cooler now and a bit cloudier, which is fine by me as there is a woodburner where we will be staying :)

Talking of weather,  heres a link to a great photographer and stormchaser I just discovered. His pictures are amazing :)

Not sure I want that kind of weather for our holiday! See you soon x

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Foraging for Berries

I took the dog out the other day for her afternoon walk on a patch of land near our house. A fellow dog walker was picking elder berries, not for jam, as I have done, but for making cordial for her son who has allergies to various manmade ingredients in regular cordial. She told me the recipe was on a website called Eat Weeds and here it is

I have just had a quick look and the site looks very interesting :) will delve in more when I have some spare time.

A few years ago I went a bit crazy with making preserves as, like this year, there was such an abundance of free food. Hedgerow jelly was a hit with crab apples, blackberries, rosehips, hawthorn berries, sloes, all free to pick. I have not had the time this year (any spare is taken up with crochet!). I did have a walk though the fields with the dog yesterday and spotted some berries.


Hawthorn Berries


Only this morning there was talk of a bumper crop of hedgerow berries on the news

Though not all fruit are doing so well. Two of my clients have very little apples this year - and its not my pruning!! A number of people have mentioned this same issue, maybe something to do with the wet Spring? You never know what nature will throw at you.

Well, there's going to be a lot of well fed creatures this Autumn, including our new addition of a squirrel that has taken up residence in our heavily laden hazel tree. The fella better watch it though, the dog loves a tree rat and I have now discovered Ronan, our big ginger cat, reckons he can take it on, though I really hope he doesn't corner it as squirrels can cause a lot of damage with those sharp claws!!

Get yourselves out there and pick your free food. Just please be sure you know what you are picking.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Pause For Thought

Nearly 3000 people died this day 13 years ago.

The One World Trade Centre is now complete.

One World x

Ancient Story

Brown bears on Dartmoor! Not now of course, don't panic your picnic is safe :)
Very interesting article, which was also on tv last week. What an amazing place! This National Park is full of ancient settlements, burial grounds, stone rows and circles, you don't have to walk far to find evidence of our ancestors.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

A Happy Wildlife Story

It does seem to be all doom and gloom when it comes to the natural world these days, so it makes a refreshing change to read something positive. Heres a small article about  Marsh Fritillaries. Not really 'headline news' but it all helps. we are members of the Devon Wildlife Trust and through joining, we have found many new places to visit on our doorstep. I think all counties have a Wildlife Trust so get in there and discover your local nature reserves :)