Thursday, 14 August 2014

End Of Summer?

Anyone else getting that Autumnal feel?

I know, its the middle of August, but its tipping down with rain and its cold enough at night for me to look at the woodburner and think of the lovely warmth it offers. Much as I do love Autumn, I hope the weather picks up again, just give us another month!

There's a great little place near me that sells plants, mainly bedding, with an honesty box to take the money. Passed it the other day and he is already selling Autumn bedding, Cyclamen, brightly leaved Heathers and Ivy. Time to think about changing my hanging basket...but no, not yet, still got flowers on my Diascias.

Still plenty of jobs to do this month, one of them being Summer pruning if Wisteria. I have a client whos very vigorous Wisteria has reached the roof of her 3 storey house, now I am OK with ladders, but on this occasion I think I need a volunteer! Apart from the stems you want to train, cut back the whippy current growth to 5 or 6 leaves. This will stop it growing into the guttering, windows or getting too high! Also encourages flower buds to form.

Got Raspberries? Keep cutting back the canes of your summer fruiting raspberries. You can also lift and pot up strawberry runners. I need to do this, my plants need replacing, as they have lost their vigour. It is recommended to replace strawbarry plants every 3 or so years.

Keep deadheading your roses. If you have a rambler, give them a prune now, if they have gotten out of hand and need more drastic work then wait until late Autumn or Winter. Also, give your summer flowering shrubs a prune, such as Hebes and Lavender.

It is time to be cutting grass on a higher setting now that growth is slowing down. If your mower mulches, then do so as the clippings will help with moistre retention.There will be plenty to do for the lawn this Autumn.

Lets hope we get a dry spell to get these jobs done :)